Camp Overview
- Purpose: Cybersecurity Bootcamp for the JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps) students
- Target Students: Middle and early high-school students, mainly between 7th to rising 10th grade students
- Location: Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Richmond VA
- Camp Type: Non-resident i.e., only for the students who can commute to VCU
- Duration: 5 days
- Dates: June 20-24, 2023
- Time: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm each camp day
- Mode: In-person, Face-To-Face
- Camp Size: 40 students
- Cost to Students: Free
- Funding Source: Funded by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the National Science Foundation
Safety and Security of the Students
VCU is committed to providing the safety and security of minors for on-campus activities.
- Background Checks - VCU policy requires performing security checks of all personnel who will contact minors (i.e., middle and early high-school students), including sex offender checks.
- Safety Training - The individuals involved in programs or activities with minors must take mandatory Safety and Protection of Minors Policy training.
- Emergency Contact and Dietary Needs - While registering for the camp, middle/high-school students must provide their emergency contacts, dietary and other special needs.